Vinnie's LA Blog

This is a blog where I post all if my language arts pieces

Monday, October 29, 2012

Founding America

Author’s Note: This is a piece about all the great thing our Founding Father’s gave us in America.  They were the men that sculpted America and her people.

How did our great country of America come to be?  We started off as a bundle of colonists with no order or leader.  That all changed when our first president and part of the Founding Fathers took charge.  In the upcoming years there was a variety of different Founding Fathers that helped America become the country we know and love today.  They added things like beautiful monuments, freedom, and our amazing  government.  Our country wouldn't be as good as it is now without our Founding Fathers.

One thing our Founding Fathers brought to America were all the monuments, city names, and money.  If we didn’t have our Founding Fathers our money would be really different because either a president or Founding Father’s face is on our currency.    In addition, we wouldn’t have the same cities or states as we do now since most cities are names of our Founding Fathers.  George Washington is probably the biggest influence,  a whole bunch of cities are named after him and his face is on a lot of money.

Another way the Founding Fathers affected us is the way we have our freedom.  They gave us the freedom of speech, political, and many more.  Without that we would be like any other country that has to follow certain rules that the people can't change.  Every day we can choose what to wear and what we want to do that day.  Most people don’t know how good freedom is.

Probably the most important way the Founding Fathers affected us is the government they put in.  Our democratic government is like no other we can actually choose our president and government figures.  Also, like the freedom our president cannot order us around like a bunch of slaves, they can't  put in rules we don't like.  We have a few broken holes in  it, but overall it is an incredible government.

Without our founding fathers, this nation wouldn’t be half as good as it is now.  The founding fathers dedicated their lives to making our country better.

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